Friday, 19 September 2014

Moscow Blue female x Tiger Lace Male

The objective of this cross was to maintain the tiger snakeskin pattern of the male while enhancing the blue shades on the tail. Only males were being sold at the pet shop and I was sure this was a stabilized strain as I had seen pictures of these with another wholesale vendor.  I cannot stress enough the importance of using stabilized strains for breeding. The lesser the number of characters to deal with, the faster you can stabilize your new hybrid strain. 

Male guppy used to make the cross. Sorry for the bad picture quality. 

Female Moscow Blue used to make the cross.

The fry were born on 15 Aug, 2014.

F1 male at 1 month (19 Sep, 2014)

F1 females at 1 month (19 Sep, 2014)

I did not use virgin Moscow Blue females to make the cross. The male fry at one month have however not developed the characteristic dark patch in the front of the body so we can safely assume that the Tiger Lace fathered them. The females too are very unlike the typical Moscow Blue females at this age. They have a yellow cast on the tail which is again derived from the Tiger Lace parent. The males have developed a blue iridescence on the peduncle, a characteristic that is probably X-linked from the Moscow Blue mother.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Albino King Cobra

Another strain I acquired recently. The males seem to have not completed their growth so only time will tell if they will indeed grow larger fins.

Platinum Blue Tuxedo Mosaic with coloured pectoral fins

A beautiful strain with a strong body and coloured pectoral fins to match the other fins. The finnage needs to be improved a bit size wise as well as shape wise especially in the females where shapes vary from deltas to near half moons.